eBook Writing Services

Improve your content marketing results with eBooks

Our eBook writing services help increase traffic to your website

EBooks are one of the best tools in your marketing arsenal.  Sold or given away, they are a successful form of lead generation.

Why?  They are an affordable way to instantly gratify your prospects while showing off your expertise.

With their ease of download, your customers could be holding your book in their hands in less time than it takes to make toast.

10 ways an eBook can help you connect with customers

  1. Your customers ask the same dusty old questions and an eBook could save you time.
  2. Free guides inform your clients and reduce confusion about your products.
  3. You become an instant expert while building rapport and trust.
  4. Helps you stand out from your competition.
  5. Increases traffic by driving highly targeted prospects to your website.
  6. Freebie eBooks capture leads without screaming sales.
  7. Valuable information can pull people to your business.
  8. Educates people about your products and services.
  9. Shares your story with the world.
  10. Selling eBooks can make you money.

Types of eBooks

The three types of eBook are:

  • Free - A short book that gets your info into the most hands possible.
  • Opt in - Provides more valuable information in exchange for an email address.
  • Paid - A larger book that is sold from your website or a store.

eBook Sample

This eBook was used in an actual weight loss product promotion:

Healthy Eating Made Simple

How to make money selling eBooks

If you have valuable information to offer, you can increase profits by selling eBooks. Different from opt in's, paid eBooks are longer and provide more valuable information.

These books usually solve a problem or provide detailed how-to information.  A popular way to sell them is on social media, your website, or by building a free standing landing page created solely for the book.

EBook writing services

We write eBooks, pamphlets, and how-to guides.  These books are delivered designed and formatted in PDF.  A size guide is:

Free - 3 to 14 pages

Opt in - 14 - 24 pages

Paid 24- 100 pages

Not sure where to begin?  Our consulting service can help you brainstorm ideas.

Contact us to get started today.